Urban SHTF Plan – 5 Reasons You Should Hunker Down.
With how volatile the world can become in regards to politics and the economy, it seems prudent to start getting acquainted with prepping for when SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan).
At the end of the day you cannot rely on anyone else except yourself. Not government. Not family nor friends. If you want to survive if SHTF, you have to take responsibility to take the actions now to get started.
I’ve read a lot of survival guides and acquired real hand knowledge for myself if ever SHTF. I also know what it’s like to survive on the streets and in prison as well. Surviving is in my lifeblood.
If Sh*t Hits The Fan, here are 5 Reasons You Should Hunker Down. Click on Chapters to skip ahead.
1. No Funds or Resources to Bug Out
2. Family and Friends Staying Inside the City
When Will SHTF? How Close Are We to SHTF?
No one really knows. But, we’ll briefly go over how to prepare for when Sh*t Hits The Fan so you aren’t caught off guard.
In the event of a severe SHTF event, you won’t be able to rely on the police or the government. As these public members will likely be defending their own family members and their own property. If Sh*t Hits The Fan, you must expect to take care of yourself and those close to you.
SHTF Plan Readiness
Preparing for every SHTF will not likely be possible. It’s such a dynamic world we live in, and anything could happen at any time. Here are most the likely SHTF scenarios that can occur:
- World War
- Anarchy (civil unrest / political turmoil / looting)
- EMP / Cyber Attack (grid goes down)
- Nuclear Disaster
- Natural Disaster
- Economic Collapse
- Regional Famine
[Download the Full Urban SHTF Preppers List coming soon]
The worst case SHTF scenario would be if the world plunged into a 3rd World War and nukes were deployed. In that case there would be heavy casualties in the urban city and out in the rural country zone.
For every other SHTF scenario, there wouldn’t be as many colossal casualties. Which means we can still take action steps today to ensure our survival if we were hit with a lesser SHTF event.
For example, we as a collective society could survive if SHTF scenarios like the Economic Collapse & Regional Famine occurred. There are many instances where people have survived and recovered from Natural Disasters as well.
Should You Bug-out or Hunker Down?

Before making any move if Sh*t Hits The Fan… remember to stay calm. Give yourself a moment to pause and breathe. During any SHTF scenario, you will have to assess the situation you’re in. Sit tight. Listen to emergency channels and broadcasts. Try to get as much information as you can get before making your move within the first 72 hours.
Basic questions to ask yourself while gathering information:
- Is there a war going on? Where are the roads and locations you should avoid?
- Was there a nuclear blast? Where did it hit? Is it safer to make it to a safe zone out into the country or seek shelter in the urban city?
- Did a natural disaster hit your city? Or was it close in proximity?
- Has the power grid gone down along with the internet?
Every situation requires different tactics to survive.
Generally with SHTF scenarios, bugging out to a safer location outside the city would be the best course of action to take. But the reality is, most won’t be able to. For whatever reason it may not make sense to bug-out if disaster strikes. In these cases it may be safer to to bug-in and survive in the city.
5 Reasons to Hunker Down When SHTF:
1. No Funds or Resources to Bug Out

It doesn’t make much sense to walk or drive towards the outskirts of the city if you don’t have a safehouse to relocate to. You would be putting yourself at greater risk of danger if you’re not prepared to survive outside in the elements.
You have a higher chance of survival from SHTF if you bug-in and hunker down inside your current urban city. At least you would be warm and have some form of shelter as well.
2. Family and Friends Staying Inside the City

It may be difficult to move out if your family members and friends all live within the city. During a SHTF scenario, you’ll definitely want to join or form your own community.
If a SHTF scenario occurs it would be vital you contact everyone you know and have an action plan to rally together. Investing in walkie-talkie radios would be a good way to communicate with each other if cell towers ever go down.
You can make a SHTF plan using codewords to identify each other over radio channels or whenever you are outdoors in obscure locations.
Maintaining relationships with familiar faces can bolster your numbers so you have a strong tribe that protects each other. Not only will you be stronger in numbers, but you’ll be able to pool resources together to ensure your survival.
3. Access to More Goods & Supplies in Your House

If you can’t live off the grid right now, you can at least start prepping supplies inside your own home. Start accumulating emergency kits and foods with long shelf life into your storage room or basement. Dehydrated, freeze-dried foods, and dry meats are usually the best survival food you can acquire.
If you’re a vegetarian, storing high calorie vegetables is a viable option to stay alive.
However, you may have to resort to eating expired food and Great Depression Food during a severe case of SHTF. In the military, it’s actually a part of training for soldiers to eat MREs (Meal, Ready to Eat) that’s been expired for several years. This is to develop the mindset that you must eat whatever is available to you in order to survive another day.
Whether the food is expired or cheap like Great Depression Food, you can acquire even more food supplies at a lower cost to ensure your survival.
You may even opt for a built-in (or start to build an) underground bunker to survive anarchy or a nuclear explosion. You can definitely secure a lot of goods down there to survive when SHTF. Looking into underground bunkers for sale now isn’t a bad idea as well.
4. Shielded From Wild Animals

If you don’t own a cottage to live in out of town, it wouldn’t be safe living off grid in the wilderness. For a short time it may be a feasible option, but in the long term camping outdoors will likely attract dangerous predators.
You don’t want to risk running into bears and poisonous snakes that can strike at any time. These predatory animals would be difficult to detect especially at night.
Staying inside your home inside the city walls will offer a greater level of safety away from wild animal attacks.
5. Fortify Your Home

If you’re reading this, it’s most likely you have a home where you can rest your head at every night. Why risk your safety with nothing in the open country when you can start fortifying your home right now?
If you have a wooden deck attached to your home, you can repurpose them if SHTF. Consider ripping out the wood from your deck to board up your windows and doors. Use what you have available to you to secure the defense of your home.
Sandbags placed around your home will serve as a barrier against bullets and will help to barricade doors and openings.
In extreme cases you could cut out a custom entrance to your roof. You can redirect access to your house by entering and exiting via the rooftop. Of course it would be wise to place a secured ladder up there as well.
For backup measures you could slowly create a secret escape tunnel for emergencies. This is an alternative if you’re not comfortable with heights. Just be sure to check the property blueprints for gas/electrical/plumbing lines before you start digging.
Home Security Will Be Essential
Security cameras, drones, and alarms can be used to monitor your property for trespassers. Even a guard dog can be included into your security detail. Because after 72 hours of SHTF, you may have to start protecting yourself from looters and mobs.
You can also arm yourself and store home defense weapons relatively easily inside your home. It’s also safer to store your firearms and equipment at home where you’ll have easier access to them. A set of full body armor is a good precaution as well.
You wouldn’t want to store this equipment in your car or in a tent outside where it can easily be stolen.

The Rule of 3 Survival
Keep in mind. If ever you find yourself in harsh environmental conditions, being aware of the Survival Rule of 3 can determine whether or not you will survive.
You can survive:
- 3 minutes if you are inhaling unbreathable air (unconscious), or if you’re in icy water.
- 3 hours to endure harsh environments such as extreme heat or cold.
- 3 days without going with water.
- 3 weeks starving and having nothing to eat.
Of course you’d never want to place yourself in such dire circumstances. Ideally during a SHTF situation, you would want to hold out with at least a year’s worth of supplies and safer living conditions.
Realistically, many will only have supplies and resources that will last 3 weeks. But the longer you can store for emergencies, the better.
Slowly Start Prepping
Now is a good time to stock up on emergency food and resources. It’s also a good idea to start building your SHTF Plan checklist.
Make sure to prioritize your SHTF checklist. Create a ratings system from lowest to highest priority for your prep list. Rank high for equipment and urban survival gear you cannot live without when SHTF. Rank low for items you have no space to store in your house.
Here’s a brief checklist to consider:
- Long term food storage (freeze-dried/dehydrated food)
- Fresh drinking water
- HAM radio /satellite phones
- Emergency kits / EDC bag
- Propane tanks
- Fuel/gasoline
- Flashlight
- Self defense weapons
- Nuclear radiation strips
- Gas masks
- EMP protector
- Bicycle
- Solar energy
- Fire extinguishers
- Emergency heater
- Warm blankets
- Toilet paper alternatives (newspapers, toilet paper plant)
- Hygiene products
- Quiet generator
[download your FREE Full urban SHTF checklist, make sure to print your copy right away! (on the way soon)]
Now What?
Now you know 5 solid reasons why you should hunker down if Sh*t Hits The Fan.
The good news is that anyone can learn how to prep for SHTF survival. A little bit of effort on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule will compound as time goes on. You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish over a given time span.
No matter what stage you are in your SHTF preparations, constantly look for ways to plan ahead. Be a sensible prepper and stay active in your approach to your SHTF Plan. You’ll be better suited to weather the storm if Sh*t Hits The Fan.
Be sure to develop your survival skills as well whenever you can. Learn 9 Easy to Learn Self Defense Techniques. You can use these open handed combat moves whenever you’re in a pinch or a sticky situation.