With all the constant wars and disasters happening in the world, it would seem like a good idea living in the wilderness when Sh*t Hits The Fan. But… if you’re a city person reading this, the chances of you surviving in the wild are not that great. Unless of course, you learn how to develop basic skills for outdoor survival.
But can anyone with no survival skills at all, learn how to live in the wilderness when Sh*t Hits The Fan? Absolutely.
Side Note: You don’t want to overlook this very important discovery on ‘blues houses’. It might just save your life if you know a little bit about ‘Project Bluebeam’ and ‘lasers shooting from the sky.’
That’s what this guide is for. It’s a top-down view of what you need to start doing today to survive in the wilderness when SHTF.
1. Living In the Wilderness When Sh*t Hits The Fan
2. Planning Ahead For New Encounters

1. Living In the Wilderness When Sh*t Hits The Fan
For starters, it’ll be safer living in the wilderness rather than being stuck in the city when Sh*t Hits The Fan. There will be significantly less people around you reducing the amount of threats you need to deal contend with on a daily basis.
While everyone in the city is looting and attacking one another, you’re separated far from the constant chaos. Which means you can enjoy a bit of more peace out there in the wilderness.
And it’s even better once you grow your own food out in the fields. Whether it’s vegetables or meat, learning to live off the land will ensure you survive long term when Sh*t Hits The Fan.
However, just because you get a good head start living in the wilderness doesn’t mean it will all be sunshine and rainbows. Once food runs out in the city, sooner or later people from the city will start moving out towards the countryside. And you’ll need to be prepared for any new encounters with people. Some may have noble intentions, while others may be malicious.

2. Planning Ahead For New Encounters
If you want to survive through to the end game, you’ll need to build your homestead into a fortress when the time comes. That means recruiting people. And when good people come to your homestead looking for food, you can take in members to shelter them. Adding more people to guard and defend your safehouse will increase your chances of long term survival.
So when the bad guys appear, you’ll have a sizable force to repel any sort of invasion or robbery attempt.
But, that also means you’ll have more mouths to feed. So you’ll need to plan ahead on ways you can tackle various sorts of obstacles out there. Teamwork is what will ensure your survival when living in the wilderness.
3. Start with Small Actions
One way to get started now is to start looking for land you can own.
But can anyone really do this? Now it might sound far fetched, but almost anyone with a low income can own land in the countryside. It’s actually more affordable than you may think.
For instance, in the US, it’s possible to start financing to own a piece of land starting from $300 a month. What a bargain! You can check out billyland.com to get started.
For everyone else outside the US, you’ll have to do a little more digging before you can find such affordable financing options like they offer on billyland.com.
Once you’ve got your name title on land, it’s time to prepare and set up your base of operations.

4. Find Land With a Commune
If you’re really financially strapped, there is one more option available to you. And that is to join up with people in the wilderness to ensure your survival. There will be sizeable homesteads formed as communes anywhere you go. You’ll be safer and increase your chances of survival if SHTF by locating these communes.
Remember, nothing comes free. Before approaching any commune and homestead for shelter, you’ll want to make sure you can offer services or become an asset.
Make sure you know some bushcraft outdoor skills and wilderness skills. Learn to fix cars. Medicine. Anything. The more skills you have to bring to the table, the higher chance another person in the countryside commune will accept you into their estate.

5. PREP With Wilderness Survival Skills
Learn how to grow vegetables. You can invest in hydroponics to get started. Or if you have a backyard to grow food, that’s another good way to practice farming vegetables. Vegetables are indeed, one of the easiest foods to grow.
If you love meat, next up on your skills to learn is how to raise chickens and livestock. Of course not everyone has a farm in their backyard they can just raise cattle in. If you’re serious however, consider employment on the ranch. Learn how farmers raise cattle.
And… when you don’t have access to fresh foods all the time, stored dehydrated/canned goods with a long shelf life will help you endure during any emergency.
Stock up on self defence weapons. Make sure you and your loved ones are protected. In the wild countryside it’s not only bad guys you have to watch for; it’s also wild animals.
Make sure to have wilderness survival gear and survival tools to survive any harsh environments. And don’t forget to keep plenty of first aid with you. There will be no ambulance to rescue you when you’re out there in the wild.
Learn how to build wilderness shelters if you think you’ll ever be in a pinch. Or you can buy them premade such as trailer/mobile homes, and have them brought to land you own.
These are all ideas you need to keep in mind when starting your preparations for living in the wilderness.

6. Defend Yourself With a Blue House
Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But I’m sure you’ve already heard about the strange wildfires that’ve been happening lately (year 2023). There was the Maui fire case, and now the Chile fire case of homes being set ablaze on fire. But from the aftermath they both had one thing in common, the blue houses.
The blue houses (with a specific shade of blue) seem to be the only houses that withstood the ravaging fires in Maui and Chile (even blue umbrellas survived these wildfires)! Now… many countries and celebrities are following suit and are painting their roofs blue to withstand laser attacks from the sky.
I think the song “Blue (Da Ba Dee)“’, knew something we didn’t know back then about how the future would look; sadly.
Stay Ready
Check off this guide and you’ll be ready to get out of dodge once SHTF! Living in the wilderness will come with it’s own set of challenges and adversity. But, don’t let that stop you from mastering the basics to survive out in the countryside.
Stay tuned to news reports and broadcasts when the times are starting to change in your area.
But most importantly of all, make the move before Sh*t Hits The Fan. You don’t want to be stuck in the city if there are lockdowns or any other crazy restrictions hindering your exit from the danger zone.
But if you cannot leave the city and you decide to hunker down, you may have your reasons to do so. Check out the Urban SHTF Plan to ensure your survival if you decide to remain in the city.
Good luck out there.