If you know Andrew Tate, you know how much he loves talking about all his passports with multiple citizenship and residency permits. You can travel wherever you want to go with less restrictions, set up tax breaks, and live the life of your dreams.
However, is it as easy as Tate and others make it sound?
While there are some developing countries out there which make things easy to enter the country, most other countries will require some sort of sizable investment or proof of income from you.
But if you can meet the requirements, it is definitely possible to attain multiple citizen status with all the perks and benefits they provide.
Disclaimer: Make sure to seek legal counsel before deciding on your path to multiple citizenship, and permanent/temporary residency permits.
How to apply for Multiple Citizenship
Best way to get started towards Multiple Citizenship
Why choose Temporary Residency permits?
Are Temporary Residency permits the same as visas?
How to apply for a Permanent Residency permit
Does Permanent Residence count as Citizenship?
How to become a Citizen of another country
What is better: Permanent Residency, Temporary Residency, or Multiple Citizenship?

How to apply for Multiple Citizenship
Each country is different. To get started, you must first contact the country’s embassy or consulate.
There is no one way to apply for multiple citizenship. Some countries can be easy to get accepted into, while other countries become more complex and difficult to attain citizenship. And some countries have a shorter application waiting time whereas others have longer wait times.
You also have to factor in some countries allowing multiple citizenship (dual citizenship) while others require you to renounce your citizenship from another country. It’s all case by case as things change time to time.
Then, in some cases you need to prove you earn a certain level of income to be accepted into another country. In other cases, you need to invest a certain sum of money into the country to start the process for your citizen application. Every country is unique in its approach to citizenship.
But if you don’t have $100k laying around you can toss easily, there are different routes you can take to make multiple citizenship a reality.

What’s the best way to get started towards multiple citizenship?
To get started before applying for your multiple citizenship status, it’s best to weigh your options against temporary or permanent residence permits first. In many cases, it may be best to apply for temporary residence in the country you wish to reside. There is a reason for this.
So why choose temporary residency permits?
In many cases it is much easier to apply for temporary residency. By starting from here, you’ll have a better shot of obtaining permanent residency or citizenship for most countries later on (i.e. Paraguay, Ecuador, Panama).
However, there are countries that don’t have express residency programs leading to citizenship (i.e. Malaysia, Montenegro).
Some countries are are easier to get into with a residency permit (i.e. Bahamas, Cambodia, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua) while other countries are more difficult and expensive (i.e. the Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Georgia).
To obtain temporary residency in another country, you must first meet their eligibility requirements. Make sure to contact the country’s embassy or consulate to obtain more information on how to apply for temporary residency.
During the application process, you’ll be asked what reason you want to enter the country in the first place. Is it to attend a business meeting? Is it to work or study? Be sure to explain why you want to enter the country.
Once that’s all sorted out and you’re approved, you can now enter the country temporarily for a specific amount of time. Each country will differ on how long you can stay with a temporary residency permit.
When you visit the destinations of the country you want to reside in, decide if it’s a country you want to live in permanently or become a citizen in.

Are Temporary Residency permits the same as visas?
Although they seem to be similar in nature, they are quite different. Temporary residency permits usually allow a longer stay in the country than temporary visas. And with temporary residency permits, you’re generally allowed to seek employment in the country. Whereas, a temporary visa will not grant you legal rights to work in another country.
You’re also given more rights as a temporary resident than if you hold a temporary visa. Social services like healthcare won’t be available for temporary visa holders while temporary residents will be able to have access to these services.
So if you want to become a permanent resident, what are the next steps?
How to apply for a Permanent Residency permit
Say you like the country you’re temporarily visiting and you want to become a permanent resident. The process for applying for a permanent residency permit is similar to a temporary residency permit. However, there will be some differences when it comes to applying for the permanent residency permit.

Does Permanent Residence count as Citizenship?
No, being a permanent resident of another country is not the same as being a citizen.
However, there are still benefits to becoming a permanent resident without being a citizen. A permanent residency permit may help you to attain citizenship for the country you are residing in later on.
Being a permanent resident usually means you can work, and study in the country with many social benefits (i.e. healthcare, legal protection)
Being a permanent resident permit will allow you to live in the country for an indefinite period of time. This is better than the temporary residency where you can only stay for a specific period of time.
However, it is unlikely you’ll be able to vote or run for a political election with only permanent residence. And you will not be able to attain jobs with levels of high security clearance.
The other downside is, if you leave the country for an extended period of time (typically more than 6 months at a time i.e. USA, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Cambodia, Guatemala) you may lose your permanent residency status. But, some countries allow you to keep your residency permit as long as you stay in the country at least for a day per year (i.e. Latvia).
But say you’re really liking the country you live in with permanent residency status, you may decide it’s now time to take the next step forward to becoming a citizen.

How to become a Citizen of another country
Applying for citizenship in another country is similar to applying for permanent residency, but with different eligibility criteria. Each country will differ with their application processes, so it’s best to contact the country’s embassy or consulate to learn the details.
As a full citizen you’ll be able to stay in the country for an indefinite amount of time without losing citizen status due to extended leaves.
What is better: Permanent Residency, Temporary Residency, or Multiple Citizenship?
It all depends. Can you commit time/financial resources to become a citizen of another country? If so, how much can you spend to obtain a temporary/permanent residence, or citizenship?
In some cases it’s better to obtain a temporary residency permit so you can invest as little as possible to find out if living in that country is worth it for you.
Or maybe you need the benefits of permanent residency/citizenship to travel there whenever you want and gain tax advantages.
Either way, make sure to continuously research the destinations of the world you want to live in that will benefit your plans in the long run.
What Now?
Now you know the basic guidelines when starting your journey to multiple citizenship. But don’t forget any choice you make will require some form of investment of your money and time. The better options you want for yourself, the more you’ll need to earn to make your dreams become a reality. Find out if Money Is the Root of All Evil.