Stun Gun VS Taser | Which One Is Better?

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stun gun vs taser self defense weapons for women non lethal self defence guns what is more effective better does work

What’s better when you compare the Stun Gun vs TASER? The Key Answer is: it depends.

When it comes to the Stun Gun vs TASER, it will be highly situational dependent. Are you comfortable with close range encounters? Or do you prefer to use a tool that will allow you more distance from attackers?

Generally speaking for far range encounters, the TASER is the best self defence weapon of choice. But at close range, the Stun Gun will be the better choice.

We’ll quickly go over the differences between the Stun Gun vs TASER. And, the PROS and CONS between the two types of electric self-defense weapons.

But, before deciding to get yourself one of these non-lethal tools… It’s important to know your local laws and regulations regarding the use of Stun Guns vs TASERS.

In certain countries you must be registered to own and operate these non-lethal weapons (in some places, civilians are completely banned from using Stun Guns & TASERs). Check with your local laws to see if owning a Stun Gun or TASER is a viable option for you.

Now with the legalities out of the way, let’s take a look at the Stun Gun vs TASER.

The Key Differences Between Stun Gun vs TASER.

Stun Gun:

This self defense weapon delivers electric shocks at close range. Two electric probes stick out from this electric unit which is used to electrocute your attacker. They are similar to the cattle prods used on cows and livestock. 

USE: To use the Stun Gun, you must be within arms reach of your attacker to deliver any form of electric damage. 

No need to reload cartridges after use. You can continuously stun your attacker as long as you have a good battery charge with your unit.


The TASER, also known as the Tom A. Swift Electric Rifle. A trademarked name, and refers only to this one type of electric weapon produced by Axon Enterprise. 

The TASER allows you to be further away from your attacker (up to 35 meters) to be able to deliver electric shocks to them. It’s a single use shot, which must be reloaded again to continuously use the TASER.

Judging the Stun Gun:

PROS of Stun Gun:

FEATURES: The best feature about the stun gun is its reusability. You can use it over and over again in a self defence encounter without worrying about reloading cartridges.

You can repeatedly electrocute your attacker(s) to: cause assailant(s) to retreat, or to buy you enough time to run, by delivering intense pain and disorientation to your attacker(s).

PRICE: Stun Guns usually are Economic Prices to protect yourself reliably. An affordable, basic kind of electric self defense weapon for the price you pay.

Stun guns are effective against attackers with light clothing like jeans and t-shirts. 

CONS of Stun Gun:

Since you cannot shoot out electric probes from a Stun Gun, it limits your ability to be safe at further distances from your attacker. If you don’t like hand to hand combat, the TASER is a better solution.

Also… because you have to make direct contact with your attacker using the Stun Gun, there’s a higher chance to damage your weapon due to hard impacts during the heat of combat. 

Stun Guns cannot penetrate through heavy clothing such as jackets, thereby diminishing its maximum effect.

Judging at the TASER:


Now, let’s introduce the TASER.

FEATURES: Where the TASER shines the most is its ability to be used at longer ranges away from your attacker(s). This reduces your chances of injury by avoiding unnecessary close encounters that entail hand to hand combat.

With the TASER, you also have a lesser chance of damaging your weapon when you are not tussling with your attacker (whereas Stun Guns may be damaged more often due to hand to hand weapon impacts).

TASERS are effective against attackers with light clothing like jeans and t-shirts. 


After every shot when using the TASER, you must reload electric cartridges. During the heat of any battle, that can cost you time as your attacker may rush you while you are reloading.

PRICE: You get Quality and Value; but expensive. If you want to buy reload cartridges for continuous use, it won’t come cheap.

TASERS cannot penetrate through heavy clothing such as jackets thereby diminishing its maximum effect.

Are Stun Guns more painful than TASERs?

Stun Guns are just as painful as the TASERs are for your attackers. However, the TASER is known to be more effective than the Stun Gun for incapacitating the motor functions of attackers. 

This is because it’s extremely difficult for a person to remove the electric probes from a TASER stuck in their skin while simultaneously being shocked at the same time. The Stun Gun cannot do what the TASER does.

This makes the Stun Gun less effective in comparison to the TASER. Since it is more easier for your attacker to pull back once he receives shocks from a Stun Gun, the TASER won’t have many problems with that.

You can continue to deliver shocks with the TASER which increases the chances of saving your life in a life-or-death situation.

How Reliable Are Stun Guns vs TASERs?

TASERs used by law enforcement are considered to be reliable most of the time. However, there are reports from police officers claiming the TASER is only effective 55% of the time.

I’ve seen videos where police use TASERs to subdue individuals, but the TASER fails to do it’s job (usually Big African Men who are on substances, are not affected by TASERs). But then, there are many instances where the TASER proves effective and reliable. It can be a hit-and-miss at times.

So it doesn’t hurt to know hand-to-hand combat after all. The Stun Gun & TASER is your 1st layer of defense. So they can keep your hands safe before your 2nd layer of defense is remaining. Time to curl those fists and deliver the final blow.

Now What?

Since the TASER is out of reach for most civilians to use, the Stun Gun is the non-lethal weapon of choice for many to carry.

The Stun Gun is available for most civilians to use, which also delivers its intended result; to deter criminals from attacking you. Check out some of the Best Stun Guns for Self Defense.

With the loud thundering rings produced by the Stun Gun paired with the electric pain it delivers, the Stun Gun is a viable self defense weapon for everyday citizens to carry. 

And if it ever comes down to it, make sure your hand to hand combat skills are up to par for unexpected encounters should your Stun Gun fail you. The Stun Gun and TASER is a great layer of defense on top of any hand to hand combat training you develop for yourself.

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